During the initial stages of the Experience Counts program is was interesting to learn about my transferrable skills. This is not something that I have thought about before. Here are seven key transferable skills that are especially valuable in todays job market. 

1. Leadership skills

Effective leadership involves motivating yourself and others to achieve goals on both a personal and a company level. Solving problems, coaching others, delegating responsibilities and planning and coordinating tasks . 

2. Computer and online skills

Today, it’s even more important to stay on top of advancements in software, as their programs and offerings are often changing. Whether you’re more advanced or doing more basic tasks like laying out a company newsletter, being familiar with how various computer programs and social media tools function allows you to be even more valuable to your employers. 

3. Business strategy skills

Critical thinking and problem solving are skills that serve not only individuals, but organizations. 

4. Communication skills

Being able to articulate your ideas clearly and convey them to customers or colleagues with confidence is one of the most basic employable skills. Effective written communication is just as important as verbal communication, too. Most written documents are crafted with the intention of getting the reader to take action, so being able to write engagingly and persuasively is important.

5. Marketing and sales skills

Being able to sell something isn’t just a useful skill for marketing professionals. Selling your ideas, and yourself as a talented employee, can be a key way to advance your career. When you’re able to market the unique strengths see your value you bring to the workplace, you raise your own value — and possibly your salary. Fine-tuning how to market yourself will ensure your employer

6. Practical skills 

Managing time effectively, both in and out of the workplace, is a skill that often goes overlooked. Those that can successfully balance their schedule, and thus their workload priorities, become the employees that can be depended on. 

7. Collaborative and interpersonal skills

Being able to work together and see the perspectives of your team members allows your group to effectively weave ideas into a cohesive plan. Collaborative skills are essential for those looking to move up the ladder quickly, as the professional world favors individuals that can collaborate and be creative when coming up with solutions to complex issues.