Identifying Strengths and Skills

Before applying for a job and going to an interview, there are a few actions you should take to prepare. One of the most important steps is to review your strengths, skills and qualities as they relate to the job description and employer of interest. Your goal is to be able to explain why your skills are the best for what the employer needs, why you are a good fit for the company’s culture and what makes you uniquely qualified to succeed in the role.

  1. Take notes of things you enjoy

Take a few minutes to identify the activities you enjoy doing the most and that come naturally to you, then think about the underlying components that make these experiences enjoyable. Decide if there are any shared skills or patterns among them.

  1. Consider the feedback and comments you’ve received from others. Managers, colleagues and past customers/clients.

Think back to times when people told you something they liked or admired about you, such as your communication skills or how well you interact within a team. You might also consider any times you received an employee award, promotion or other recognition and what skills helped you to get there.

  1. Focus on quality, not quantity

Select three to five of your individual strengths to focus on and prepare answers for future interviews. Consider the skills required in your industry and identify personal strengths that complement them.

  1. Back up your strengths with past experiences

Identify stories you can share to demonstrate previous experiences. Start by directly answering the question in the best way you can and explain a time when you demonstrated that skill in a successful way.