I hate this question!

Whether you’re a seasoned professional with decades of experience or this is your first job interview, you’ve almost certainly been asked the question “where do you see yourself in 5 years” in an interview.

It’s one of the most common interview questions employers ask when evaluating candidates. But how should you answer it? What information are interviewers looking for?

Hiring managers ask “where do you see yourself in 5 years” because it gives them insight into what motivates you, your future plans, and what role their company plays in those plans.

Here’s what employers are looking for in your answer:

  • If you plan on staying with the company long-term
  • If you’re ambitious
  • If you’re passionate about the job or plan on quitting as soon as you find a job in your preferred field
  • If you have a realistic idea of what it’ll take to reach your career goals

Keeping this in mind will help you craft a thoughtful response and prevent you from being caught off guard.

Be honest

If the only reason you want the job is because you didn’t get any other offers, it’s best to keep that information to yourself. What you can do, however, is focus on the skills you’d like to develop in the next few years and how this position will help you achieve that goal.

Stay realistic

While ambition is important, so is setting achievable goals. It shows employers that you have a clear idea of what you’ll need to do to advance your career, and within the company. For example, if a particular certification is required to advance in your field, mention that you plan on taking a course to get certified.

Align your answer with the company’s goals

For example, if the company is planning on expanding into new markets, explain that you’d like to take on a leading role in implementing those plans. This demonstrates initiative and that you understand the company’s vision.