While it depends on your relationship with the company, getting feedback on why you didn’t get the job will be incredibly helpful as you continue on in your search.
I’d say the most meaningful feedback you’re going to get is when you’ve gotten to a second or third round of interviews and then not be successful. If you’ve gotten past the first interview, it means your skills and work experience are appropriate for the job — so the reason for not getting the job could be a little more personal and maybe something you can easily work on to be successful in future interviews.
When asking for feedback it is important to remember that you are asking an employer to potentially have an uncomfortable conversation, take a risk (legally) and have take the time in general to have a conversation with someone they’re not hiring. This means you’ll want to approach the conversation in a way that is gracious and open.
First, thank the interviewer for their time and consideration. Then give them the option of providing feedback (without demanding it). Something along the lines of, “If you do have any feedback for me, I’d love to use it to make myself a stronger candidate for the future” is a good way to approach it.
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