What questions should I ask when the inevitable “Do you have any questions for us” comes at the end of an interview?
What they want to know:
- Why do you want to work for them in particular
- They are trying to gage how much interest and/or research you have done on the company
- What you know about the job description
- They want to make sure that if you are unclear on anything you have the opportunity to ask
These are just some examples of questions you might ask:
- What will the training look like?
- Do you offer options for further education in the field?
- Can you describe a typical day in this position?
- Can you tell me about the team I would be working with?
- What is the workplace culture like?
- What are your expectations of a new employee after a year?
- Ask how feedback is given – 3 months and a year?
- What do they like about working here?
Avoid asking the following:
- What are the benefits like?
- How much vacation is offered when beginning employment here?
- Do you offer flex time?
- This is a first interview, avoid asking what they can do for you, at this point it is what you can do for them. These questions will be discussed and/or negotiated upon a job offer. Remember, you do not have to accept an offer if it does not meet your requirements.
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