Asking for help at work is NOT a sign of weakness.  In fact – asking for help is showing strength!  It takes bravery to admit you need help to complete a task at work. 

Why are we uncomfortable asking for help? 

  • We don’t want to feel vulnerable
  • We are afraid we will be perceived as incompetent
  • Nobody wants to feel judged
  • We are afraid asking for help is a sign that we are not capable
  • We don’t want to intrude on a co-worker’s time

Asking for help demonstrates your awareness that you know when you need support or require a co-worker’s expertise, It also shows that you are determined to find a way to get the job done.

By-products of Asking Help:

  • Shows your co-workers that you trust them
  • Promotes collaboration and synergy
  • Helps to build relationships
  • Saves time
  • Reduces Stress